I wrote my first story, ‘Millie, Mollie & Max’, based on three very real feline characters. A family adopted Millie as the latest member of their 3 people-3 cat household. As a rescue cat, she was extremely shy, and their child was confused as to why. I explained to her how some of us have different backgrounds and come from other places. Similarly to her cats; we can be shy and nervous and it is up to the other people in our lives to make us feel at home. She said in response to my explanation- ‘but they are all cats’. And that’s when I realised that there was a story to be told her- yes Millie was adopted but she is now part of the family and there should be no difference between them.
The message of this story is that wherever you have come from and wherever you may go, once you are part of a family (however that family is made up); you are welcome.
This work is based off of the concept of teaching children about family and about acceptance of all others.
Having a strong and integral message can teach younger children how to accept others and to feel accepted in their own right too.
The second in the series is now available to pre order!
How does Millies dream become a reality during lockdown?
Can max and Mollie help?
If you would like to join me in my mission to share these stories with the world and to spread the message of acceptance to young children, I would love you to be involved. If you would like to pre-order a lockdown special book for your loved ones, I would love to say thankyou and add their name into the book, printed in the publication itself.
I hope you enjoy reading these stories and I look forward to hearing all of your comments!
NB. The new product is being created by CandyJarBooks Ltd and is expected to arrive in June 2021.
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